Your body can be an amusement park if you maintain a healthy balance that the excessive and prolonged use of instant joy generators can only upset.
Our decisions are under constant external influence, so the key of being well is to develop the right perspective and mindset for your own vision and goals.
The state of your soul is expressed over time in your mindset and vitality: when you get your soul connected, you become mentally and physiologically healthy.
The MINDiet vision
MINDiet aims to build a successful, long-term sustainable lifestyle for you. The MINDiet Health Program therefore first prepares you mentally for change. After the mental preparation, we introduce good nutrition and proper exercise into your daily routine. Working together on an ongoing basis, healthy living will come naturally to you. This means 1-2 hours of activity per week and results can be achieved in 3-9 months.
It’s time to rule your mind
The psychological background of various physiological disorders has long been known. The loss of psychic balance results mental and somatic issues over time. In Hungary – the most obese country in EU right after Malta and UK, two out of three people are overweight, and by the age of 50, one in two is chronically ill. That means most people work for 30 years, only to spend their money - sometimes for the rest of their lives - on regaining their health or, in more severe cases, their ability to act. It is clear that your lifestyle defines your quality of life decades later than you’ve let a habit rule your mind. If it is bad for your health, you’ll end up buying drugs and medical interventions. If the habit was healthy, you’ll spend your time (and money) on things you wish. Which kind of life do you want to live?

MINDiet Seminars
Our interactive scientific and public lectures focus on the background of psychobiological and psychosomatic effects and practical solutions. We are also frequent presenters at academic, public and corporate events.

MINDiet Workshops
Depending on the number of participants and the agreed topic - e.g. stress management, lifestyle development - our workshops, held on request with the involvement of our experts, aim to restore a healthy psycho-biological balance. In addition to our owns, we also deliver workshops for companies.

MINDiet Health Program
The primary objective of the MINDiet Health Program is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy mental-emotional-physical balance. For lifestyle development and health maintenance, we offer quarterly packages, except for specific cases - e.g. well-being improvement, motivation - and for corporate clients we make individual offers. in mind!
MINDiet is for clients who no longer believe in miracle pills and are aware that most of the triumphs against excess weight will be earned over their past selves.
Reserve your seat!The MINDiet Process
The main objective of MINDiet is to restore mental-mental-physical balance, with the side effect of reducing body fat - while getting healthier. Our experience to date has been that our otherwise healthy clients have been burning fat at a rate of -1-1.5 kg per week, at their own natural pace. We have also seen beautiful results in cases of hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and other physiological disorders, regardless of age. The results are measured in changes of body composition ratios and metabolic age over time, and also monitored with laboratory results - and, if required, with medical diagnostic tools and medical supervision. However the bottom line is that you can live a healthy life without us at the end of the Process, we're there for you in case of unexpected life changes later on.

During the MINDiet consultations, we will transform your intention into new healthy habits in a personally sustainable lifestyle.
- we map your individual characteristics and baseline,,
- identify the goal you want to achieve and the motivation to achieve it,
- take control over your self-rewarding habits,
- develop an action plan to reach your target weight as quickly as possible.
We are monitoring your progress with objective physiological indicators, eg. lab results, blood pressure, body composition, which allow us to continuously improve your habits.
The MINDiet Health Programs can be extended according to your health goals and individual needs, however, within 3-6 months many of our clients have already learned to continue on their own on the path they started with us.
Integrated services
It is clear that the combination of adequate physical activity and a quality diet - which is already proven effective - can be enhanced by MINDiet's uniquely holistic, multidisciplinary approach. In the case of overweight, this is particularly important because lifestyle change can greatly reduce – and even eliminate – the risk of chain reactions resulting from overweight. Why spend all day running from expert to expert when we have everything you need at your fingertips?
In addition to continuous measurement of changes in body composition and metabolic age, we also use medical diagnostic tools as required.
Medical support
Thanks to our extensive network of experts, you can rely on medical advice that most people are lucky to obtain.
Diet design
Our dietetic experts use up-to-date information to plan your diet according to your individual needs, tastes, habits and health goals.
As a side effect of mental processes, you can gain psychological insights, situational awareness and coping patterns that extend to other areas of your life.
Based on up-to-date scientific findings, we explain in a clear and understandable way all the processes that will actively support you in achieving your goals.
Progress tracking
As a MINDiet client, you will be considered as alumni member even after you have achieved your goals, and will therefore be offered a "guaranteed service".
MINDiet Results
Most people - and maybe you too - go from cure to cure, until they give up and "accept" their failure without sustainable results. However, this state of mind is psychologically and medically damaging to accept, because in fact the cure was a failure, as the various options are often even symptomatic. The main reason for the failure is that the psychological processes that trigger the behaviour are not addressed, and most cures increase your stress and make you feel even worse. These psychological causes are expressed in bad habits and wrong decisions, which over time have health consequences.
Simply put: in the MINDiet Health Program, we trigger and reinforce the very psychological process that makes most diets successful in some cases, despite the failure that is coded into them. We know from testimonials that after a few sessions, steps towards a healthy lifestyle become natural.

The MINDiet Health Program focuses on achieving sustainable results rather than rapid weight loss. Most traditional methods, as shown in the diagram (blue line), are unable to do this and the pounds that are difficult to lose are quickly regained.

Before starting the MINDiet Health Program, our client's body weight had been stagnating for years (blue line) with large fluctuations and strict diets. After the MINDiet training, she reached her goal and has since maintained her target weight - with a 3-year follow-up - despite her hypothyroidism.
Team MINDiet
At MINDiet, all professionals only do what they are qualified to practice and nothing else.
The MINDiet Health Program is a lifestyle development process, where success is measured the achievement of objective health-goals and the change of in physiological indicators, eg. lab results, blood pressure, body composition.Our consultants provide psychological support while the representatives of all related disciplines support you as needed on your path to a healthy lifestyle.

Roland Kasek CMC
Psychologist, Managing PartnerResearch & Development

Emese Fejes
Psychologist, PartnerExecutives & Organizations

Réka Bogdányi
Psychologist, PartnerResearch & Interventions
MINDiet Health Programs
MINDiet Process replaces the harmful routines that originate in your exhaustion with conscious patterns. The first module focuses on improving your specific mental and behavioural predispositions. This is followed by gradual changes in diet and exercise habits, with ongoing mental support. Simply put: at MINDiet, we initiate and reinforce the very psychological process that makes most diets successful in some cases, despite the failure that is coded into them. From our clients' testimonials, we know that only after a few sessions, steps towards a healthy lifestyle become natural. In the MINDiet Health Program, the impact of financial motivation is negligible, as our Pro Bono clients have achieved their health goals as well - and sometimes even better! - as others.
Of course, changing your lifestyle and some of its elements is only a symptomatic treatment in itself, to make a real and complete change you need to be mentally prepared. So, while we're getting your head in order, we'll now fill your fridge with the right contents.
MINDiet Start
99.000,-During the MINDiet Start, we analyse the factors affecting your health in detail and based on the MINDiet Triage we provide a personal health plan that you can realise immediately, or select the MINDiet Health Programme or Wokshop that is right for you.
- MINDiet Score
- Health assessment
- MINDiet Triage
- MINDiet Consultation
- Personal health plan
You can order MINDiet Start based on both the medical results you have already and our own diagnostic recommendations. If your lab results are more than 30 days old, be sure to talk to us before so that the screening includes every test we consider important!
MINDiet Thrive
4-6 months,
under 15 kg excess weight
in case of negative findings
- Diagnostics
- MINDiet Consultation
- Medical support
- Diet design
- Progress tracking
The main focus of MINDiet Thrive is prevention, performance and health maintenance. You will have a quick and complete lifestyle check-up, during which we will identify routines that carry risk and reinforce healthy habits.
MINDiet Balance
6-8 months,
15-30 kg excess weight
in case of negative findings
- Diagnostics
- MINDiet Consultation
- Medical support
- Diet design
- Progress tracking
With MINDiet Balance you will develop a new healthy lifestyle and we will provide ongoing support to help you take the necessary steps to develop health-centered routines until you can keep up the good work alone.
MINDiet Revive
9-14 months
over 30 kg excess weight
in case of positive findings
- Diagnostics
- MINDiet Consultation
- Medical support
- Diet design
- Progress tracking
As MINDiet Revive client, you’ll be provided with medical support on demand while you adhere to your new lifestyle rules, supplement your ongoing treatment, prevent a chronic health condition, or prepare you for surgery.
MINDiet Workshop
Depending on the number of participants - max 8 or 16 - and the agreed secondary topics, our workshops are tailored to the needs of the group and aim to restore healthy balance and develop health and behaviour over a quarterly period (12 weeks). If your team at work could benefit from such a Health Program, we can deliver a private workshop for min. 6 of you, otherwise you join us :))
Behavioural medicine and performance development are only available with us in this format, so you could be in the right place at the right time!
PERFORMANCE PSYCHOLOGY is measured along in vivo outcomes and has the tools to help you master change. Some people have lived healthier since applying what they've learned, some have billed more with less work, some have been promoted and some have since become straight A's. Sure, we feel good while we do it, but that's the bare minimum expected from any kind of psychology.
BEHAVIOURAL MEDICINE raises your awareness of the bio-psycho-socio-sprituo-cultural factors necessary to maintain your performance, and provides a working theoretical and methodological background for creating and maintaining your health and quality of life.
IMPORTANT: if your goal is specifically to restore or improve your health, the individual MINDiet Health Program is better for you. At the MINDiet Workshops, you can come as you are, regardless of your medical records. If you later want to upgrade to an individual MINDiet Health Program, you can proceed as we agree.
MINDiet Control
Start: upon request/5 sessions, max. 16 participants
regardless of excess weight
regardless of medical records
- Diagnostics
- MINDiet Consultations
- Autogenic training
- Medical support
- Progress tracking
The main focus of MINDiet Control is lifestyle and performance. You will have a quick and complete lifestyle check-up, during which we will improve your habits for optimal, healthy performance.
MINDiet Thrive
Start: upon request/9 sessions, max. 8 participants
under 15 kg excess weight
in case of negative findings
- Diagnostics
- MINDiet Consultations
- Autogenic Training
- Medical support
- Progress tracking
With MINDiet Reconnect you will develop a healthy lifestyle and we will provide ongoing support and the necessary steps to develop health-centered routines so you can keep up the good work.
Corporate MINDiet Solutions
Our Corporate MINDiet solutions are based on an organisational approach that focuses on the transfer of specific skills in terms of psychobiological development, measured in objective business goals. Each participant follows a personal path in the process and develops the application method best suited to them. With ongoing support, it is possible to develop performance that is sustainable in the long term, to protect and preserve mental health and to avoid the risk of health problems that this entails.

For our corporate clients, we design a tailored mental health strategy and deliver the necessary intervention to improve psychosocial wellbeing based on their individual needs as the results of an appropriate diagnostic assessment. For responsible executives this is an excellent opportunity to safeguard the mental and physiological health of their employees, and for the rest it is a legal obligation in many countries.
Let's get to know each other!
When you book an appointment, we will be in touch by email and respond within two working days.